Anger Management

Anger Management - Integrated Behavioral Health - Alabama Mental Health Clinics

When Is Anger Management Necessary?

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, but anger can become overwhelming or out of control, making it a problem in your daily life. It’s natural to feel angry when you have encountered a frustrating situation, been mistreated, or even when you don’t feel well. However, the unregulated expressions of anger can become explosive and lead to problems in your personal and professional life.

Everyone deals with anger differently, but if you have an anger problem, you are likely aware of it. You may find yourself acting out and later feeling embarrassed for how you reacted in the heat of the moment, or you may have heard from friends, family, and coworkers that your anger is disruptive. If you are prone to aggressive behaviors in the face of anger, you may benefit from anger management guided by a therapist.

When does anger become a problem?

While everyone experiences anger, not everyone reacts to it the same way. Some people will get more intensely angry than others, lashing out by yelling or exhibiting violent behavior. In other cases, anger may cause social withdrawal or chronic irritability. There is evidence that a stronger reaction to anger may be inherited, but it can also emerge from environmental factors. People who come from chaotic homes or families that do not utilize strong emotional communication may be more prone to explosive or otherwise problematic anger.

Anger often carries a negative connotation, and people are frequently taught not to express anger, which can lead to anger coming out in other ways, such as through passive aggressive behavior or self-harm. It is important to find a balance in acknowledging and expressing anger without harming oneself or others. Unchecked, anger may not only lead to violent or harmful behaviors, but it can have physical effects on the body as well, such as an elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system.

What does anger management entail?

Anger management is the process of learning how to cope with anger in a non-aggressive manner. For many people, attending psychotherapy can be pivotal in learning how to restructure thought processes and channel anger in healthier ways. Anger changes the way you think, making you more prone to exaggerated, dramatic thinking that clouds your logic. For example, you may be quick to think “everything’s ruined,” or “this always happens to me.” Anger management therapy can help you with cognitive restructuring that redirects your thought patterns to help you get out of an emotional spiral. You may also learn relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises to help you curb your temper. Along with techniques to control your reaction to anger, you may also benefit from exploring the causes and triggers of your anger, which may stem from trauma, family conflict, or other external factors.

Where to Seek Help

Anger does not have to control your life. If you are seeking anger management solutions, Integrated Behavioral Health is here to help with clinic locations throughout Alabama. Contact us to request an appointment to begin your journey.